Sales Training

How to use recorded calls and demos for sales team training

This post is going to be helpful if you’re recording sales calls and sales demos. If you are then great, if not, set that up first and then come back to this post.

Every sales call made is a training opportunity. Gather your team, pick a recent sales call or sales demo and use it as training material everyone can learn from. Done well this can be helpful for everyone, done badly it can be nothing but embarrassing for the sales rep in the spotlight and uncomfortable for everyone else. Here’s how to do it well.


This is a bitesize but frequent learning session. Commit to a minimum of once a week for 1-2 hours per session. It works best in small groups, no more than 5 people.

1.Position and execute the training carefully

This training session works best when the sales team celebrate all the things the sales rep did well during their call or demo. Create an environment where others can learn from what one member of the team is incredible at. Make the sales rep in the spotlight the hero. Don’t make this training session about all the things the sales rep did wrong during their call and how the rest of the team must avoid their mistakes. You will create a training session everyone dreads and an environment where no-one wants to share and learn together.

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